Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the ELEKON factory.

Export of Products

Export of ELEKON products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All ELEKON products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant ELEKON: generators, welding units, welding machines, marine power plants, motor pumps, engines, heat generators, heat guns, concrete mixers
  • Concrete mixers ELEKON
    Concrete mixers
    EPM46, EPM115, EPM180, etc.
  • Gas-fired heat guns ELEKON
    Gas-fired heat guns
    FA-50P, TT-15S, etc.
  • Fuel-fired heat guns ELEKON
    Fuel-fired heat guns
    FA-45K, FA-125K, FA-210K, etc.
  • Alternators ELEKON
    GS-10-230, GS-500-400, etc.
  • Generators up to 10 kW ELEKON
    Generators up to 10 kW
    KDE3500E,EPD2800E,EPG2500P, etc.
  • Generators over 10 kW ELEKON
    Generators over 10 kW
    KDA19EAO, KDA20SSO3, etc.
  • Engines for generators ELEKON
    Engines for generators
    KM2V80, ED480, etc.
  • Marine engines ELEKON
    Marine engines
    WD615, 6170, 8170, etc.
  • Engines for trucks ELEKON
    Engines for trucks
    WP10-Bus, WD615-Truck, etc.
  • Engines up to 10 hp ELEKON
    Engines up to 10 hp
    DH178, ED186, KG200, EP168, etc.
  • Infrared heaters ELEKON
    Infrared heaters
    WKH110, PFA-60K, CAMP-25, etc.
  • Welding units ELEKON
    Welding units
    EPDW190E, KDE6500EW, etc.
  • Power plants on the chassis ELEKON
    Power plants on the chassis
    30GFT-992, 100GFT-992, etc.
  • Diesel motor pumps ELEKON
    Diesel motor pumps
    KDP30, KDP40, TPD78, etc.
  • Petrol pumps ELEKON
    Petrol pumps
    PG36, PG60, PG96E, TPG80, etc.
  • High pressure washers ELEKON
    High pressure washers
    PWG170, PWG205, etc.


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